Sunrise, Sunset

These phenomenon have fascinated me of late. I haven’t been diligent enough to view many sunrises, but the sunsets from the past three weeks have captivated my interest.  I went on a short 6 mile run on Sunday evening and caught the sunset that night. It was amazingly gorgeous. I had been lefting up requests to God, first from Sunday school, then ongoing things from my friends and family, like Bekah returning from Mexico and my younger siblings starting another year of high school. At 8:43, I paused in my praying to thank God for making such a beautiful scene before my eyes. He shows His creativity and power in the way all the colors blend at just the right time to create a picture. I tell Him how much I love Him and how worthy He is of my praise, a theme in my conversations with Him. It flows out of me in an outburst of emotion founded on facts about God and the truth of His working in my life. I continue with my run and interceeding for my friends until my pace doesn’t allow me to speak (this usually happens around miles 4 and 5)

As I think more and more about both sunrises and sunsets, I see that a sunset signals the end of a day. It is a reminder of God’s care for me and His power over all things, but it is also a warning that I am coming to the end of the day and I mustn’t have unfinished business. It prods me to examine what I did and who I interacted with. Is there anything I regret? Are there things I left unsaid that I need to say? Has the sun gone down on my anger and do I have someone to forgive? (Eph 4:26) Tomorrow hasn’t been promised to me and I must do everything I can while it is still today. I am not guaranteed the next sunrise.

That same sunrise tells me that God has blessed me with another day and expects me to do His work in it. I should rejoice and be glad in it. How often do I take the next day for granted and then complain about what I have to do in it? Each day is a gift, yet so often I view it as a day like any day in my past that must be suffered through to get to a day perhaps more enjoyable, like the weekend.

I think I should be cherishing my daily gift, which is why I’m going to try to catch as many sunrises as I can from now on, starting with the next one, Lord willing. If anyone cares to join me wherever you are, feel free to…

JA Menter

“See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” Eph 5:15-16

BTW, instead of telling me this is a good thought, (if it is, in fact, a good thought?!) shall we follow it up with action. (James 1:22)

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4 Responses to Sunrise, Sunset

  1. Steve says:

    Just a technical thought, you should make your verses hyperlinks to the verses on a Bible website (

  2. Joshua says:

    Acts 17:11

    JA Menter

  3. Rebekah says:

    I’d love to join you–except that I’m not sure I could even bike as fast as you run! (And I’m not sure if the sun rises before or after I go to work tomorrow at 6:30)

  4. Joshua says:

    It will rise, Lord willing, around 6am tomorrow and I always run at night so all I do in the morning is watch the sun come up and read my Bible. It’s a pretty sweet time. I’ll probably be on the eagle’s nest with a flashlight, reading Psalm 119 aloud, but you can join me where you are too.

    JA Menter

    “Unless the Lord builds a house, the laborers work in vain.”

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