“Hot” or Beautiful

At work today, my co-workers were discussing what female celebrities were on their top 5 “hot” list.  The conversation drew on for maybe a half an hour as each of the four weighed in with their opinions. Then K jumped in with, “I really don’t have a top 5 ‘Hot’ list.  I don’t really use that word; I use ‘beautiful’.”  As I listened in while I painted, I recalled the distinction that I had defined in an essay I wrote last semester.  I think K was trying to get at the same things I had in my essay.


The term “hot” has been misused to describe nearly every girl that walks the planet earth.  The word “beautiful” has taken a backseat in society to the realm of being “hot”.  But what so do these words really mean in this context?

First, the word “hot” when describing females takes much the same meaning as “stud” for males.  Being “hot” means that one lays it all out there and many times it’s all out there.  This is characterized by decorating oneself and selling the mask as a con artist would sell their scam.  Frankly, this shouldn’t fool, but too often it does.  It grabs for attention, searching the surface of human interaction for something to gratify its vanity NOW.  It consists too often of superficially sexual relationships.

The word “beautiful” in this context could be used to describe completely the opposite side.  A woman considered beautiful needn’t decorate herself because that is not what she relies upon to recommend herself.  There is no reason to wear a mask because they distract from the audience she desires.  In this case, there is no scam.  This beautiful woman doesn’t seek attention but rather friendship with roots deeper than just the changing surface, into the bedrock of the mind and intelligence.

This distinction creates a polarization for the contrast of female behavior and a spectrum of beauty.  What is important in all of this is something often overlooked—the heart motive. 

Having these qualities of beauty tell a lot about what the woman wants in her man.  That man must be in love, not with her outer beauty—although he will—but with her, her mind and soul.  She wants something stronger than attraction, which is here today and gone tomorrow.

These women slip under the radar because they do not follow the culture’s set of rules.  Society as a whole has dumbed this down and placed emphasis on the instant gratification of a human’s unmistakably evil, sinful desires so much that few can discern the difference because they have become falsely synonymous.


As far as this goes, I think that most guys really want a woman that falls into the “beautiful” category, even if they make it seem like they don’t care.  It’s really misfortunate that many women feel that pressure to be “hot”, and I think the reason lies in the mistaken idea that guys actually like women like that.  It is more than time that we stand up and say that they don’t have to be anorexic and wear eighty layers of makeup to get our attention; They only need to possess something more than what is visible.


Those of you that have already figured this out, I give you a standing ovation, and hope this encourages your heart.  You are noticed and it’s not because of things seen but the things unseen.


 Joshua Menter


“The Lord saves the mountain of strength!”


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3 Responses to “Hot” or Beautiful

  1. Rebekah says:

    Thanks for noticing ;-)

    And welcome to the blogosphere!

  2. renae says:

    Blogs are cool things. You’ll have fun. :)

    You have good thoughts, but I think it’s a mistake to paint “hot” with an entirely negative brush. Sometimes (I think mostly) “hot” is used to describe a certain type of look: toned, tan and (for women) curvy. Girls that don’t quite fit this are relegated to “cute,” and so on. And it’s true people make assumptions about others based on these categories, for good or ill. But a “hot” woman may well be upstanding and worth pursuing; she may in fact be struggling in the OPPOSITE direction to be recognized for something beyond a fit body and fantastic bone structure. Until you engage someone in conversation, I think it’s difficult to make a judgment on who they might be.

  3. Grace says:

    We had a conversation about this about a month ago. I totally agree. Hot has been thrown about so much these days, that it doesn’t mean anything anymore. So for Women, if a guy calls her beautiful, she should feel comlimented. But if a guy calls her Hot, he’s prolly got his head in his pants.

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