This seems strange writing another post one day removed from finally returning after a month without posting, but I can’t hide this under a basket. I have to share this. If you haven’t read my previous post “Theory of a Dead Man,” I recommend reading it. Anyway, for many weeks, I’ve prayed that God would use me at work, as those on the worship team can atest. Recently, I’ve been convicted about the lack of response in that area of my life and so the prayer has become more fervent that I would make the most of each opportunity as they present themselves. Tuesday, an opportunity dropped in my lap and I responded. A co-worker was struggling with a painful breakup and asked me for advice. I was able to talk to him about forgiveness and its power and get him thinking about things in that light. It was amazing how I knew exactly what I needed to say and I said it, a very rare occurrence for me as those who know me can confirm. Then, today, I realized that I had only one dollar in my wallet to pay for my lunch and not enough in my check card account to withdraw a quick $20. I did have enough to pay for a Valentino’s meal, though, and so I went to Val’s, thinking that I would have to make some bank transfers after work to cover the evening after youth and the next few days’ lunches. When I got to Val’s, I hadn’t even gotten my first plate when a co-worker came in with her husband and were seated next to me. Of course, I was invited to sit with them and the husband paid for my meal. Thank You Lord for Your provision!!! I still needed to do my bank transfers though, right? Wrong. Later today, as I was about to leave to go to my parents and the bank, my cousin stops by at my house with money to pay me back for a purchase I made to fix her bike. It was an expense I’d entirely forgotten about, but it brought my total to an amount that would cover all my expenses for the rest of the week. No more need to go to the bank this week. Thank God again for His provision in the little details of my life. It’s these little things that has me estatic in exclamation of His supreme goodness and the three cups of coffee I drank at Village Inn this evening garner a weak reaction in comparison. if I don’t sleep a wink tonight, it will not surprise me, but I thought I would just take some time to share this with you all.
JA Menter 3
~”From the rising of the sun to its going down, the name of the Lord is to be praised,” Psalm 113:3